AAL Property Solutions has won the Scotland Prestige Awards 2021/2022 πŸ₯‡

What is the Prestige Awards? πŸ†

The Corporate Livewire Scotland Prestige Awards 2021/22 recognise small businesses that have proven to be the best in their market place over the past 12 months πŸ“ˆ

How does it work❓

Businesses are nominated and are asked to provide evidence of their work, positive feedback from their clients and information on previous accreditations and recognition. The judging panel base their decisions upon areas such as service excellence, quality of the service provided, innovative practices, value, ethical or sustainable methods of working, as well as consistency in performance. The winners selected are those who can best demonstrate their strengths in these areas.

Our reaction 🀩

We are delighted to win the Prestige Awards. We will never be perfect, but we will always strive to do our best. We’re committed to ongoing improvement, so that we can continue to make a positive contribution to society and better serve our clients.

What do you think is the most important goal for a small business?

We would love to hear your thoughts πŸ’­


Adam Al-khateb 02/07/2021