AAL Property Solutions is delighted to provide Portable Appliance Testing (PAT) in in Edinburgh, Midlothian and East Lothian.
What is PAT Testing?
Portable Appliance Testing is carried out on electrical appliances which are in use to determine if they are safe to use. A PAT test should be able to determine if an electrical appliance is unsafe, either by electrical testing or a visual inspection. All electrical appliances with a plug can be tested. Integrated appliances are visually inspected.
Why is it important?
UK Businesses are expected to comply with the following regulations: Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, The Electricity at Work Act Regulations 1989, The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998.
PAT testing is an essential part of a business’s health and safety responsibility and when undertaken correctly can prevent serious injury or possible death. Furthermore, there is a legal requirement from Landlords and Letting Agents to ensure all electrical equipment including appliances in a rental property remains in a safe condition to ensure tenant safety.
How can it be a problem?
If accidental contact is made with electricity an electrical current can flow though the body which can cause serious injury or death. The effects can vary depending on several factors, but it is vital to reduce and mitigate the risks of electric shocks with good electrical safety measures.
Why do I need PAT Testing?
In 2015, Scottish Government issued guidance on electrical appliances in the private rented sector. It recommends regular safety inspections to be carried out on electrical appliances provided by a landlord to ensure they are safe to use. Landlords or Letting Agents should ensure electrical inspections are carried out before the tenancy starts and regularly throughout the tenancy.
Electrical appliances that pass will be labelled with green pass label. Failed items will be labelled with a red fail label. Failed appliances should be replaced or repaired. A report of test results will be provided which show the results for each appliance. A copy of the report should be provided to the tenants.

How can we help?
AAL Property Solutions can provide a professional PAT Testing service in Edinburgh, Midlothian and East Lothain. Our team has the relevant training and qualifications in Electrical Engineering.
If you require PAT Testing in Edinburgh, Midlothian or East Lothain, contact us today. We can also arrange for other services to be carried out while at the property for a hassle free service.